I finished a long term project. It was going to be a bedspread but it's currently in the living room for me to burrow under when the cold weather comes.
I also want a warm jumper. I love that Tiree is called "land below the waves" and took that as my inspiration. So we have waves, sheep and then a viking dragon style band on the bottom that will be on the sleeves too:
I spent a fair bit of Friday and Saturday with friends and last night we were all hard at work on our crafty things:
The tapestry is coming on wonderfully and new cards are planned:
One of the friends is a very talented artist and makes these:
He's currently working on a series of photos of the build process, these are the start of it:
Random photo of a combination of things that just caught my eye:
Something about a giant tub of paint, a tube of sealant and a pair of wellies.
Yesterday was school gala day. I was originally going to miss it to be at a pair of friends' wedding but I was hounded by bad luck and bad timing and couldn't get ID. I agreed with the bride that my stream of bad luck meant the wedding would go well and it did. Jo got to see it and took photos for me.
But it did mean I got to see this:
Three men and three women, all staff at the school, doing an Abba tribute. It was fantastic. I did video a couple of acts and the whole thing was recorded too. Truly fantastic AND they did the whole thing twice because it was enjoyed so much. The sun shone yesterday afternoon and is really out today. My laundry is just finished so I'm off to take advantage of that.