Sunday, 29 September 2013

Just photos

September has been quite the busy and rough month, so I'll just leave some photos from the month here for you to enjoy:

I finished a long term project.  It was going to be a bedspread but it's currently in the living room for me to burrow under when the cold weather comes.

 photo CrochetGhanComplete_zps2fa8f54d.jpg

I also want a warm jumper.  I love that Tiree is called "land below the waves" and took that as my inspiration.  So we have waves, sheep and then a viking dragon style band on the bottom that will be on the sleeves too:

 photo LandBelowTheWaves_zps14c28a21.jpg

 photo LBTWBodyDone_zps87432b0b.jpg

I spent a fair bit of Friday and Saturday with friends and last night we were all hard at work on our crafty things:

 photo AtWork_zpsc5090d09.jpg

The tapestry is coming on wonderfully and new cards are planned:
 photo TapestryProgress_zpsab6ab3c9.jpg

One of the friends is a very talented artist and makes these:
 photo TireeHouses_zps05d5539a.jpg

He's currently working on a series of photos of the build process, these are the start of it:

 photo Foundations_zps5ad0b63f.jpg

 photo LowerWalls_zpsfddb4aba.jpg

Random photo of a combination of things that just caught my eye:
 photo Randomness_zps3e4e1a8d.jpg

Something about a giant tub of paint, a tube of sealant and a pair of wellies.

Yesterday was school gala day.  I was originally going to miss it to be at a pair of friends' wedding but I was hounded by bad luck and bad timing and couldn't get ID.  I agreed with the bride that my stream of bad luck meant the wedding would go well and it did.  Jo got to see it and took photos for me.

But it did mean I got to see this:
 photo AbbaTribute_zps9ef78921.jpg

Three men and three women, all staff at the school, doing an Abba tribute.  It was fantastic.  I did video a couple of acts and the whole thing was recorded too.  Truly fantastic AND they did the whole thing twice because it was enjoyed so much.  The sun shone yesterday afternoon and is really out today.  My laundry is just finished so I'm off to take advantage of that.


Thursday, 12 September 2013

It's live!

So, remember those fish I was knitting?

 photo FishyPile_zpse43369aa.jpg

Well, after leaving the pattern with some lovely knitters for a couple of weeks the pattern has now gone live!

I've put together customisable Fishkits in the shop and the pattern is now in the Ravelry Database.  While this isn't my first pattern it is the first that I have made entirely from scratch.  My other patterns are basically adding fair isle patterns to existing items or putting together a set of techniques in such a way as to make an easy knit.  This is different.

Not that my other patterns are poor or anything!  Dad thoroughly enjoys these:

 photo MarinersHat.jpg

 photo DadCowl2.jpg

And Joseph wears this under his cycle helmet on cold days:
 photo BackTasselUp.jpg

But now I get some me knitting time.  Winter is only a few months off and as I accidentally felted Jo's jumper so it's now a perfect fit on him but too small for me I need to knit my own.

I did start it two years ago, even got this far:
 photo MyJumper.jpg

But I wasn't enamoured of my pattern choice so I pulled it all out.  Now I'm working it again but have a different pattern choice which will probably change another few times before I get that far.

I've restarted going to tapestry group and have even said that I'll be the treasurer if needed.  Jo said I'm a glutton for punishment!  In fairness, group accounts are fairly easy to maintain I've found.

Lovefibre has made some TINY little men and a ladder for one of the houses in the tapestry:
 photo TinyTapestry_zps79cf199a.jpg

Monday had a great turnout and 10 of the 12 panels were being worked on at once.  All the designing is done, now things are being sewn down for good.

 photo TapestryGroup_zps9328e6d9.jpg

 photo HardAtWork_zps1682d99c.jpg

Well, the rain has briefly let up so I'm going to go get the bins in and check on ferrets.


Thursday, 5 September 2013

Flotsam and Jetsam

Just some odd photos of things.

New stock for the shop drying in the breeze
 photo NewStock_zps413b8567.jpg

"One lump or two?"
 photo OneLumpOrTwo_zpsadd651a2.jpg

Outlet with dog
 photo Outflow_zps5c0c99d6.jpg

Outlet without dog
 photo OutflowSansDog_zps3a31dd64.jpg