Monday, 16 June 2014

Misty morning walks

It's been too long since I went for a walk.  I've been so busy with things that I haven't allowed myself a couple of hours to just go wandering.  

I've been awake since 1AM and while it is catching up with me and I may well have an afternoon nap it was worth it for my walk.  I left home at 4:30AM leaving a note on Jo's desk to ring my mobile if I wasn't home by 7.  I trotted down the road as the sun rose, enjoying the feeling of solitude offered by the thick mist.  I could see perhaps 20m and it was lovely!

We've just finished having road resurfacing works costing the council a whopping £1.2million and while I've heard good reports of some roads being great, it was just an extra layer to the road.  The potholes are already returning and some new holes are also appearing:

 photo HoleyRoad_zpse1054a0b.jpg

I'm not complaining though.  I very much appreciate the council's efforts and it's certainly easier to walk on.

So, my walk.  Lovely.  Recharged my soul and cleared my mind.  This is good because I've not had the best week so it was nice to come home and feel good.

The mist (which has redescended with a gurt grey cloud!) really does make you forget there's anyone else on the island, especially when most are in bed:

 photo GoodMorningMist_zps5d25eea5.jpg

I might have forgotten that dew soaked grass is wet:
 photo GoodWalk_zps9c19718e.jpg

But it was such a wonderful walk!

If you're awake at Silly AM and it's light enough to see, go for a walk.  Even if it's only 10 minutes you'll enjoy it.

I shall leave you with an orchid:
 photo Orchid_zps4ab09110.jpg


Friday, 6 June 2014

Missed May


Can you tell I've been a tad busy?  I had a tutor assignment to do, work to do, a job interview and a whole host of things.  Plus the weather was variable at best.

So, May photos.

A goldfinch visited my feeder:
 photo Goldfinch2_zps878ea882.jpg

We have swallows nesting in the eaves:
 photo Swallow_zps15f325cf.jpg

 photo Swallow2_zps256d63e6.jpg

 photo SwallowStretch_zps28861e2f.jpg

I finished the socks I started knitting in the trike in April:
 photo StuartSocks_zps3854a2cf.jpg

Some "bee socks" for Jo:
 photo Buzzysocks_zps936993a4.jpg

And might have embarassed Madam Doglet:

 photo PresentPip_zps9d9d981d.jpg

 photo MeanieMum_zpse33784e7.jpg

I've been thoroughly enjoying my time in An Iodhlann with Duncan and learning all sorts of snippets.  Last Friday I went for a wonder at lunchtime and found Tiny Mussels!

 photo TinyMussles_zpsd1add205.jpg

That silver disc is a 5p coin, approx 1cm in diameter.

Currently An Iodhlann is closed while new windows and some maintenance and a good lick of paint are added.  Feels very strange to be home on a Friday!

We are having good weather more frequently than bad now.  Madam is enjoying the sun, I've mowed the front lawn twice and the back 1.5 times.  Really need to do the back again, but that'll be tomorrow (weather permitting).

Anyway, I have more photos to take and more studying to do!
