Monday, 21 July 2014

Few Photos

Knitting like a loony at the moment, so I shall just pop these here.

Tortoiseshell butterfly that got a bit lost in the study today:
 photo Tortoiseshell_zps76251fcd.jpg

 photo PantingFly_zpsf10eaec7.jpg

Caterpillars (I think the same species)
 photo Caterpillars_zps24cf523e.jpg

Tired wagtail
 photo TiredWagtail_zps3d3b8e23.jpg

Strutting his stuff up the road at Silly AM
 photo Strut_zps54f7208d.jpg

 photo Skylark2_zps7bbfc28b.jpg

 photo MorningBird_zpsc8f52dc2.jpg

Song thrush
 photo SongThrush_zpsdbf1400b.jpg

Not sure, possibly a young skylark?
 photo Dunno2_zpse64df5c4.jpg

 photo Dunno_zps8aa4e40b.jpg

TMF 2014  Including Big Top tent and many campers!  1600 tickets were sold and extra ferries were put on.
 photo TMF2014_zps5daaef56.jpg

 photo TMF20142_zps96aee82c.jpg

The giant shell sand sculpture has increased:
 photo ShellDistance_zpsb5d2d140.jpg

 photo BiggerShell_zps5c59d75c.jpg

Friday was a Commonwealth Games day on the beach.  Took me a while to remember that on Saturday morning when I wondered why there was a bin with a table.
 photo RandomBin_zps4f73ba06.jpg

and some bales of hay.
 photo RandomBales_zpsc87a1143.jpg

Ronald McDonald woz 'ere apparently.
 photo McDonaldBalloon_zps25033e36.jpg

This is what happens when you leave shoes in the same room as a dehumidifier for two years and then try to wear them...
 photo Dryshoes_zps04cb2084.jpg

 photo Dryshoes2_zps8c837f66.jpg

A friend asked me to knit her some red alpaca to raise funds for her friend.  This is alpaca number 1 and a hambean.  The hambeans are quicker and cuter, in my humble opinion.
 photo BeanLlama3_zps290024e3.jpg

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 photo BeanLlama2_zpsd3e100f4.jpg

Saturday morning sunrise on the beach.
 photo Sunflection_zpsfe539c51.jpg

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A few of the beaches have seen quite serious erosion over Winter, on Crossapol that means the remains of the buildings that were bulldozed onto it after WWII can be seen:
 photo RustyCave_zps8d5f2a4b.jpg

 photo RustyHillside_zps439bf59c.jpg

 photo RustyPulley_zpsf593b526.jpg

Strata of rust
 photo Rust_zpsb5e72ae9.jpg

That's it for now.  Back to knitting!


Thursday, 10 July 2014

An evening on the beach

20:30: I suggest we go for a walk.

22:00: We get home.

It's so lovely to go for a stroll in the evening.  The beach was positively packed with us, another couple out for a stroll and a jogger!

There were a fair few jellyfish stranded too.  Lots of the mauve species: Which aren't always mauve and can be tan.

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 photo Mauve2_zps04ffc8ee.jpg

And at least two ginormous Lions Mane (size 11 boot for scale):

 photo BigMane_zpsa4cbffaa.jpg

 photo BiggerMane_zpsa971c5e8.jpg

According to my research these can reach up to 8 foot in diameter around our shores and 40feet in the Arctic, so these were relatively small!  They're also the nastier stinger that can *potentially* cause issue whereas the mauve just hurt like heck.

No, I am not willing to test this theory, thank you very much!  I was barefoot and gave them all a very wide berth.

Some folk had been very artistic with this shell sand sculpture:
 photo ShellLike_zps51a1e1d7.jpg

We were also being artistic.  The moon was out so we spent a while finding a good spot and catching its reflection in the water:

 photo WeLikeDaMoon_zpsa0a77ed4.jpg

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The ginormous Dark Arches moth that came in a few days ago couldn't find its way out the following evening so I caught it and subjected it to a few quick snaps before showing it back outside.

 photo ScuseMe_zpsa5f21a5d.jpg

Last night I left the peg bag outside, guess who I found under it?
 photo NotHereMoth_zpsa4bb6ace.jpg

Not here!  You can't see me!  ARRRGH!

I also found this still unidentified one on the bathroom window:
 photo UnknownMoth_zps18c13afb.jpg

I may have succumbed to the latest kids' craze, loom bands:
 photo Faddish_zps3ba48d33.jpg

It's kind of like crochet and is actually fun although I fully admit to spending probably more time than a kid trying to fathom the instructions!

Anyway, the weather is amazing, Jo is out reading in the sun and Madam is gently cooking.  I think I shall get to some more loom banding.


Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Nutter with a shutter

That's me!

Last night I was near harassed in the bathroom.  Three different moths chose to come in and play "Da MOON!!!" at the bathroom light.

Even better, I have no idea what type they are.  So, let's play "name the moth".
EDIT: With the help of the internet and some pals I have managed to name all but one of the UFO's :)

Contender number one is approximately one inch long and brown all over: (Square spot rustic)
 photo Moth1_zpsa3180070.jpg

Contender number two is nearly two inches long and sounds like the Twin Otter when it zooms past! (Dark Arches moth)
 photo Moth2_zps9141dca2.jpg

Contender number three is approx one, to one and a half inches long and has iridescent green patches:
 photo Moth3_zpsd9865089.jpg

 photo Moth31_zps84d4b02a.jpg

While pegging out the laundry I was greeted by a tiny butterfly, maybe a whole inch long: (Common blue, Female)

 photo Butterfly1_zps80376516.jpg

 photo Butterfly2_zpsf1848f63.jpg

 photo Butterfly3_zps938fa350.jpg

Finally, there was a very very busy little bee zooming among the clover: (Red shanked carder bee)
 photo TinyBee_zpsbd575f86.jpg

Speaking of bees, we've had some HUGE ones this year!
This one is in the "medium" range and had to be captured because it simply could not fathom out windows.  Or cacti, or plant pots. (white tailed bee)
 photo GiantBee_zpsb3fe6ed2.jpg

You wouldn't think it would be possible to get so much pretty in such a small space!  Another reason I love Tiree.

TTFN and thank you to anyone who can help with my identifications.