New house:
Yep, we moved. Hynish View has been sold and so we have moved to one of the school houses. It's huge, centrally heated, and has stairs. And a lovely set of gardens with hedges! I can now hang out my laundry without everyone who passes by seeing what colour our underthings are.
In the hedge near the laundry poles we have a nesting birdy. She's a song thrush and has at least three little peepers to raise:
I check on her (from a distance) when I hang out laundry and she doesn't seem fazed by it all.
I've got my own room! No longer am I camping in the living room, I now have my own room to make a mess in. I have treated myself to a shoe organiser thing to hold all my wool fibre for needle felting:
and I also treated myself to a painting by Grom that I collected after we moved and now lives above my desk. On the left is Grom's lighthouse, on the right is a mixed media that I got for my 30th from Blue Beyond.
Somewhere, I have a framed painting from when I went to Paris with my parents; that will go in the middle when I find it. It's very nice to actually be able to hang things here. So long as we neatly fill the holes before we leave, it's allowed.
I'm working on something new for the babby. It involves some sticks:
and needle felted bits:
It will be a mobile of sheep, but I need to make the heads and feet which is waiting for my urge to felt to come back. Baby is waking me up at all hours and making it hard to sleep because of limited positions, so my energy levels are a little low. It's lovely, and weird, to feel and watch your belly moving about, but Silly AM is not a time I wish to be awake. Still, it's good practice. Baby will be here in less than ten weeks. Yes, we are down to single digits! I have two washes to do and all the baby-related laundry will be done.
My little oak sapling has some lovely green buds this year:
I was worried it might not revive after last year's rather lack-lustre weather, but it's doing fine and has a sunny, yet sheltered, spot in the new garden.
and we have a new beach to roam!
The route we found to it takes us to the top of dunes, but I have been assured there's another route.
So, yes, new, new, new!