Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Mobile and busy

Well, we officially have a toddler.  We had a lovely fortnight on the mainland and Rosemary went from taking people for walks to walking on her own!

She also discovered a love of "ogog" aka yoghurt. 

Oh yes, she also has an insatiable desire to play in the puddles!

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Hello again

Apologies for the long, long, hiatus. Who would have thought that having a baby was so time consuming? Rosemary is now 13 months and allowing me some time at my computer. I see that Photobucket and Blogger are arguing and not showing my photos. Photobucket is also now horrendous for adverts and user interface, but now I can put photos directly on here. I'll go through and correct links over the coming weeks. For now, have a photo of my very happy girly at eight months:
I've been using Instagram and a smartphone for most of our photos, so I'll have to go back and find them all. Happy summer!