Wind: approx 30mph (the birds are favouring flying backwards)
Mostly sunny, with the odd rain cloud depositing as it's blown over
Today started out miserable, 9am saw incredible amounts of rain lashing the front window with the wind really throwing it about. Now, we still have the wind, but the sun is out and warming us all nicely.
I got to try the dial-a-bus yesterday, it's like a minibus taxi at bus fare rates. A 6mile return is just £1.70. Yesterday was the female driver and I had the bus to myself, so we chatted a bit and I got to know how the system works a bit better. During the non-touristy months you can basically call the same day for the bus, so long as it's not Thursday, that's pension day and the "old folks" go shopping. When there are more tourists up and visiting it's best to ring about a week in advance.
I also met the island's visiting dentist and her lovely assistant yesterday. I admitted straight off that I find them incredibly spooking and they were lovely. The dentist is very talkative and ever so lovely to those of us who find the whole thing scary as heck. She's sorted my teeth so I can chew again and has plans to do a big repair job in April. The dental hygienist can also do small fillings, so I'm seeing her on the 14th for some patching and a good clean. So far so good.
I think I shall ring the bus tomorrow and see if she'll take me up to the GP's open hours on Monday morning and I can get that all sorted too. Yep, the GP has two hours every morning where you just turn up and get seen if there's time. He'll have a chat and take as long as you need in the morning, lovely!
Pippa is doing well, it's been rather wet this week so she's been happy to just sleep in her blankie. We were letting her out to poo/pee without a leash but a few days ago she decided that meant she could go round the house and check next door's garden out. So we're back to leashed toileting.
The ferrets are doing okay, poor Barry had a week long tummy upset and is now super-thin because his body is convinced summer is on the way and using non-existant stores to replace his fur. But his eyes are shiny and the others are looking after him. whenever I go in he's at the bottom of the hanging basket with four hot furry bods piled on top keeping him warm. He's had a fair few meals of Complan too, much to Jo's disgust, he says it smells disgusting, I think it smells like chicken cup a soup.
Anyway, I'm going to go make some tea. TTFN
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