This past weekend (starting with Friday the 20th, ending Sunday the 22nd) was one heck of a busy weekend!
Friday was the agricultural show. A chance for the locals and visitors to show off their animals and their handicrafts. While I did take photos of animals, I completely forgot to take the camera to the handicrafts tent, oops!
Giant horses
This black one was apparently being moody.
Jo and I loved these little ponies, they were pretty much barrels with legs.
A very warm ram
Highland calf
Saturday and Sunday were afternoons only, so I did get some kip. I was helping out with showing off weaving, this is the table with the little looms that attracted a young girl (well, nearly 11yo) who pretty much spent the whole TMF (Tiree Music Festival) weaving with us. She has a real thing for neons, the yellow and the multineon are mine that I donated so I told her to keep them, she was so thrilled with the brightness!
Every time the big loom came free she was on and adding to the banner.
Jane having a play
Proof men can weave
So can kiddiwinks
In fact, any age!
Much fun was had, many hands took up a shuttle and wove. Sunday 6pm was the grand reveal!
Fiona carefully releasing the banner, all 2.69m (I think I remember that correctly)
Going from right to left, the start:
The end:
The whole banner, closer and in more sections:
Even the birdies were being artistic at the weekend! I saw this deposit on the window and just had to get a photo.
This week has been me recovering. I've also discovered a liking for very milky coffee which is having some interesting effects (I can finally sleep like a log, but the timing is still off).
Tomorrow evening the-games-that-cannot-be-named start and so do the Ravellenics! I need to swatch the shawl to check I like the fabric and I could really do with finishing the scarf sitting next to me to free up a cable and tips.
I've got photos of my peg weaving from the TMF weekend, but you'll have to wait for those, my PC went on the fritz (power supply went wonky and corrupted my Windows install quite impressively) so I've reinstalled Windows AGAIN, backed up a clean install this time, after spending 6 hours sitting with updates. So I'm not really in the mood for image adjusting. oooh, I do have some videos...
Jo flying the kite:
Me flying the kite (with Jo's sarky comments)
Finally, a little video by Jo of night on Tiree.
I love how that banner was like a giant community project. Very cool!