I've spent the past 2 and two half days in Glasgow and I can truly say I do not envy those who live in that busy place.
I said I was going to write a flying from Tiree post months ago and this time I have the photos I want to go with it.
We have a little plane that serves Tiree from Glasgow. It seats 21 passengers maximum and has two three blade propellors. Here it is coming in to land:
It really is wee, that's a Transit sized van parked there. You have to be very careful getting on that you don't thwack your head, I usually end up almost bent double, my Dad would be able to inspect his knees judging by various tall men. It's not a plane for the inflexible.
Just to give you an idea, this is a standard sized "jumbo jet" with a Transit van next to it:
And this is our little Otter behind the fueling lorry:
But there are bonuses. How many planes do you travel on where you can see the pilot and all the instruments?
And, of course, you get amazing views!
Some people worry that such a small plane isn't very safe. Au contraire, smaller planes can stay airborne at slower speeds and while, yes, there can be turbulence, it's no worse than a bus going over a bump. Give me a little otter over a 747 any day.
I didn't take any photos in Glasgow, partly because I forgot I'd taken the camera and partly because I was with my Mum and enjoying a good chat most of the time. But I had to take this one, the last bullet point is in desperate need of punctuation. Whenever I read it I wonder how mobility issues will be happy to help.
Mum booked us both into the Breahead Travelodge, double rooms with a nice bit of empty floor and a pretty gradiented painting:
I had to giggle at this, Santa looks ever so happy to have all those lovely women pulling his sleigh, dirty old man!
Glasgow was good, mostly got results I wanted and shouldn't have to go visiting again for quite some time I hope!
We did take advantage of some of the sights. We initially planned on the Tuesday to find the Rembrandt exhibition in a gallery on the university campus grounds. So, we trotted up the hill, couldn't see any signs for it, trotted down, had lunch, found some directions...Trotted back up the hill, round a bit, up some stairs, round a bit more... We were about to give up when we saw some large banners for the exhibition, one more try we agree, walk to a likely looking building...it turns out to be a church. Oh well, Rembrandt remained unseen.
We did find some bits and bobs in the various shops though. I got some Christmas cards and saved a small fortune in postage by writing them that evening and giving them to Mum to hand over at various family gatherings. Mum found some flat wrapping paper (she hates the rolls) and we had a lovely lunch.
Wednesday we decided to invade Ikea. Mum had never been to one and I had a few bits I was hoping to find. Note to all: wooden chopping boards are surprisingly heavy and should not be purchased with the plan to stick them in your rucksack to take home, your back WILL complain. Still, we went round, found some pressies, got lost (seeing a theme?) and had a good lunch. Back to our hotel for a bit and then dinner at Pizza hut. They do a main, side and all you can eat salad for £6 per person before 5pm, we got our 5 a day that evening!
Thursday morning we parted company, Mum off to get the train and me off to fly again.
It wasn't as sunny when I got home. But Tiree is beautiful from the air regardless.
So now I'm home for the rest of the year (barring emergencies). Just got to fill out my expenses form and send that off and then I can chill and listen to the cows. Angus the bus driver has been teaching me about how cows and sheep behave and how they stay in their herds/flocks so it's fairly easy to separate them off when the common grazing time is over. It really is a fascinating thing.
I shall leave you with one of our little uninvited guests that's currently residing in a tub (with air holes, water and a bit of food!) until I can take it to the Reef tomorrow.
It's a very pretty guest, shades of grey and brown and quite cooperative for the camera. Shame it keeps a pair of lead boots in the loft!
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