I'm definitely discovering the limits of our camera when it comes to "low light" Anything short of blazing sunshine and it wants to use the flash. That makes for washed out colours and reflections. Maybe I should ask for a new camera for my birthday.
Distractions...well, I got distracted. I knew what I wanted but kept doing other things. Today, after being distracted by a chat to next door about their fence and the houses I finally set up the shot.
Originally the sheet was meant to be a backdrop, but as pointed out by a fellow competitor, the photo actually has its own distraction, the background PC and my beading box.
So, in this photo we have my newly completed Elysium shawl (Ravelry pattern link); some merino top I dyed ready to be spun; a hank of zwartbles yarn ready spun and waiting for a nice day to be washed; a puzzle magazine and my spinning wheel.
Yep, another shawl knit. This one was quite interesting. You knit three squares and two triangles; crochet them together and then knit on the border and neckline. As with all lace, it came off the needles looking like a confused string bag:
But a multitude of pins and a spritz of water later, it looks like "a particularly lacy toilet mat". Thank you darling! To be fair, he did guess shawl first. It's now drying on the rug and should be ready to be released before Madam Doglet needs her morning loo run.
Life is going well "oop 'ere" I'm finding I speak more and more Northern England the longer I'm here, I can only assume I'm exposed to more English accents than Scottish at the moment.
Realised today that Jo has in fact cycled to school every working day bar approximately 7. Those 7 were all due to bike malfunction and me needing time to sort it. He's cycled to church, to the Co, all over it seems. I've got plans to walk more this year, weather permitting.
That's the great thing about living here; because the land is so flat you can easily walk for hours and not really notice. Plus, the scenery! Lack of traffic, scenery, openness, bliss.
Still not regretting moving here. Someone today commented it has been a "dark winter" I told them that compared to our house in Tod, where the sun didn't touch the house for months at a time, this place is positively light.
Anyway, it's late, bed calls. I was asked to choose this week's photo theme, I chose "colour" ideas abound!
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