Catching. Catching up. The weather was so mixed last week I admit to letting the laundry slide a little. This week has been catch-up week especially as it pee'd it down earlier in the week. The wind's been up so predicting the weather by reading the sky was down to 30 minutes from our vantage point. That did mean me doing a mad dash around the house because it started to rain just as I had an armful of recycling. Still, laundry was saved and dried.
We got this rather gorgeous rainbow too: (the end of the rainbow is apparently in the middle of the Reef)
Today I made a cock-up. I forget to switch the waste hoses over between the washing machine and the dishwasher. I then ran the washing machine on a full load. Oh well, the kitchen floor is clean. I do now have the hoses the correct way around for more laundry tomorrow (weather permitting). 20mph winds dry t-shirts in about an hour, very useful!
Clearing. Over the Easter hols desks, floors and shelves were rediscovered. This resulted in a fair bit of card and paper recycling on top of our usual load. It's taken two bins and two bags to clear the extra plus the norm. I did discover it's incredibly cathartic to stomp on vegetable boxes, the ones with reinforcement at the corners. They make a great popping noise as they go splat. Also cathartic is smashing a bar of dark chocolate with a rolling pin because you need chips and haven't the strength to cut it with a knife. Yes, it makes an almighty racket but it's sooooooo good!
Checking. All right, bit of a stretch. Checking for plugs and sockets on t'internet. A lovely friend on the island told me a while ago about how her electronic piano had had a bit of an oops. The power jack on the back shed its pin so it couldn't power up. I said I'd take a look at it. Well, I did and informed her that it would need to come apart so I could remove the old socket and put a new one in. Today I brought it home to start on that.
34 screws later...
34 screws! 16 around the outside and another 18 within that to ensure nothing moves. That green board is the brain of the piano. It's currently sitting like that on my desk while I await new parts. The bits of paper are to protect the PCB (Printed Circuit Board) from my "handy andy" that's holding it so I can get at what I need. Oh yes; 10 more screws to move the PCB. Still, it's an easy enough fix so long as the bits I ordered are the right size.
Today was the Wednesday crafters and we were amused by the new chucks.
They all ran for me when I went out, wondering if I came bearing food. (note to self: pack a few raisins next week)
"Are you SURE you don't have any food?" This was followed by my fingers getting pecked just in case and my sandaled toes being eyed up.
Once food wasn't forthcoming they went back to browsing.
I did think I'd got a great video of the three cluckers and the one that sounds more like a goose, but apparently I didn't hit the button properly so I have one second of "booook"
Jo received some leaflets recently, the packaging was rather ironic:
*snerk* Yep, they all ripped in transit.
I'm test knitting at the moment:
(you weigh the yarn at the start and then keep an eye on it until 25% is used up)
I'm making a fair number of daft mistakes (misreading charts). This is an adjustable shawl pattern so while my chosen yarn is pathetically short I can use up some of the cones I have to make a nice big one.
Not much else to report really. Madam is cooking herself every chance she gets and the ferrets are enjoying being able to leave the garage without getting sodden. They still get blown about a bit though.
Anyway, back to knitting!
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