My day started at 8am moving myself, my wares and Rumble to the showground.
Rumble spent the morning in his carrier under the Homewares tent table being admired, coo'd and given shocked looks. He thoroughly enjoyed the attention and didn't nip a single poking finger. I will admit to a small fear he might not like so much attention but he did brilliantly; another PR ferret appears from my lot.
The competitions for handmade things were well stocked, although I was told that it was quite the quiet year I'd been asked to come help people label their items and then escort some judges around their section. As I'd entered items into the handknits section I was put on horticulture; the quickest section.
The visitors section got a good turnout:
I did love these "giant cupcake cakes"
After ensuring the horticulture results were all recorded and rewards placed Rumble and I went off to the sales tent where I was joining some fellow crafty folk on shared tables to sell wares. I was selling hand dyed yarns and hand knit phone socks. I didn't manage to sell anything but I did learn a lot about what customers might want and got some ideas for next year.
At 1pm it was time for Rumble and I to proceed to the main ring and compete. There were many doggy competitions including "waggiest tail" and "golden oldie". The dogs were all very well behaved and no scraps broke out. Then it was "any other pet" Rumble and I followed a young girl and her tortoise around the ring, we came 2nd. Not that Rumble was bothered, it was just fun to experience everything! He spent the rest of the afternoon snoozing:
I bought myself a couple of cupcakes before leaving:
YUM! I admit to them not lasting very long ;)
The past week has seen me busy-bodying. I dyed some sock yarn for my soon-to-reopen Etsy shop:
I mowed the lawn, again. Although I was 'rescued' by two friends and we spent a while up at Beachcomber looking at the art enterprises show and having a nice chat, drink and think.
I found a blackbird in the garage one morning:
It wasn't much pleased with me and couldn't fathom to fly UNDER the garage door to get out. It spent about 36 hours in the garage before it finally fathomed out the exit.
Last night we had Nicola and Peter over for a roast dinner seated outside. We also got to open the giant box of choccies we all earned for the sound system install:
We were kept relatively fly-free by the Bennett Bomb and the new Beumb:
The Beumb is a birthday present for a mutual friend who we really believe will enjoy it.
Well, apologies for the slight disjointedness of this post, I've got a lot on my mind and wanted to clear this bit out to make room :) I shall leave you with my photographic experiments of moonrise:
Also, Tiree folk: Tiree Photographic Club is now in AnT and challenge 2: Seaweed is up and waiting for entries.
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