He turned mumblemumble years old on Monday and had a birthday party on Sunday.
On Friday I took round our biggest cake tin and the hand mixer. 17 eggs and 1.5hours' cooking later we had a huuuuge cake!
We used two mixing bowls as I wasn't sure on their capacity. Started with an 8 egg mix, that wasn't enough, weighed the remaining marge and went up to 17 eggs.
I also used bicarb instead of baking powder to make the cake rise and was warned it was going to taste disgusting. Nope! Most delicious.
The party went great.
The cake had been decorated and was candled:
Guests were given gold plates with expensive napkins!
One guest really liked those:
Snackerels were provided:
I was asked to light the candles and Jo, being the strong man, was asked to bring the cake through...
It really was as hot as he makes it look!
With one puff the birthday boy blew out all the candles!
Oh yes... erm...we might have set the smoke alarm off in the kitchen lighting all those candles.
A happy afternoon had by all and lots of cake to enjoy.
It really was a lovely day wasn't it ?!