Let's start with the Agri show.
The day was gorgeous! Sun shining, mild breeze, lovely. This year's visiting attraction was a birds of prey show. They have many birds and take out the ones that do best in the season/weather. So we had relatively hot climate birds visiting.
I caught the tail end (excuse the pun!) of the first display. A bit of falcon and a fair bit about a vulture. Turns out that when they're relaxed their faces are nearly grey, when they're excited/interested the head goes pink and when it goes purple they're about to throw up! It's a defence mechanism; they throw up their tasty food and the birds chasing them stop to eat that while it gets away.
The biggest bird there was this white tailed sea eagle. I've seen a few of these beauties flying in the wild before, but never seen one so close. Apparently she can be a bit grumpy.
This is a young hand-reared black kite. Nothing phased her, even when Madam Doglet tried to get a sniff!
Another, mature, black kite:
Indian Eagle Owl:
Tawny Eagle:
Harris Hawk:
Falcon: (it's wearing a tail protector. The podium can wear at the feathers, so they have this to protect them)
Ofcourse, those weren't the only birds! There were hens, cockerels, drakes and ducks.
These two were dozing off until the cockerel next to them decided to crow.
These ones were getting a bit warm.
That's about it photowise from the show. I was distracted knitting an alpaca and then came home for a bit. Oooh, but that's not the end of the show report! Pippa and I got prizes!
I got a 1st for my knitted beret. I wasn't planning to enter anything but then I saw beret and spent a couple of days knitting this one:
Madam Doglet got 2nd in "golden oldie":
She did very well at the show, I think the heat helped by keeping the arthritis at bay.
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