Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Tiree Tech Wave 8 (Part I)

Eight tech waves!  I think I've been to four or five.  I took over 300 photos this wave and even after editing them down and trashing some I still have over 100MB of photos.  So I'm going to split the TTW in half.  This is the commentary on Thursday to Saturday.

So, who came?  Well, FabLab Cardiff came with some very cool tech.  Two sets of Cardiff students came up (one set had to do projects and get marked!).  We had some Code for Europe (I think) folk up, some NESTA folk and some folk who'd been to a previous TTW and were up on hols and finally, but definitely not least, we had some locals!

Thursday was a rough starting time of 1pm.  The weather was pretty damp and I was taking my spinning wheel this wave so Alan kindly collected myself and Jo and Amanda from our abodes and taxi'd us down.

The Cobbled Cow were doing their usual tasty catering and had been told we had 33 coming.  This was the result of the first lunch:
 photo Locusts_zps5f735e20.jpg

The plates had been piled high with sandwiches and chocolate bars and flapjacks, all gone.  The two cauldrons of soup were drained.  Nothing went to waste.

Thursday was basically set up and intro day.  We had a big intro in the auction ring after lunch and then a couple of hours of investigating and doing before folk went home to crash.

 photo Bemused_zps8357b0aa.jpg

Friday started 'early' at 10am.  Folk were generally perky even though a few had come down with colds.

I suspect this is Alan's MacBook as he does have a habit of pointing...
 photo PokeyScreen_zpse884dacb.jpg

The tech, oh the tech!  So many wonderful machines to play with.

A vinyl cutter to enable you to make custom stickers:
 photo VinylCutter_zpsf0d07758.jpg

The result:
 photo FabLabFitti_zps1ab3424e.jpg

 photo NormalBack_zps12e1e689.jpg

A small CNC machine (alas, unable to be used as it required a windows machine to operate and no one brought one!) and the laser cutter:
 photo CNCandLaser_zpsdf6f564f.jpg

The cutter can cut, etch, or both.  This was a practice with some card:
 photo FablabSheet1_zps8e5ec7f7.jpg

And this is the start of the FabLab Panel:
 photo FabLabPanelStep1_zpsa888937a.jpg

It was amazing to watch and weird (in a good way!) to feel the thing you're looking at:
 photo Etched_zps57db6c9d.jpg

These beauties plus that beast had me hooked.
 photo 3Dprinters_zps586c45bf.jpg

They're 3D printers.  You can print nearly any shape you like (some might need supports adding).

Shot glasses:
 photo Glasses_zps46e68ac9.jpg

 photo GlassesSide_zpsb4aa6362.jpg

Scale models of organic outside spaces:
 photo NaturalBuild_zps6455d019.jpg

 photo NaturalBuildDone_zpsd8531699.jpg

 photo Ultibot2_zpse7a2a4e8.jpg

Rabbits (I contend it looks more like a hare!)
 photo PrintedBunny_zps8e35b837.jpg

And sheep:
 photo SheepCounter2_zpsb5b2a849.jpg

They do sometimes go wrong though.  Sheep innards should not be readily visible:
 photo SheepBrains_zps12f9b72b.jpg

 photo SheepBrains2_zps90c43d83.jpg

They also brought up a 3D printing pen.  I can see the appeal but it was a faff.  The nozzle was only hot enough to extrude plastic in bursts so you could draw for about 2s then had to hold still and wait while it reheated.  This is my humble effort:
 photo 3DPrintPen_zpsdd4fd860.jpg

Big Steve who has been to pretty much every TTW brought his son up this time and they were both here on hols.  He also brought his own 3D printer:
 photo SheepPrinting_zpsb832321a.jpg

This one is actually about half the price of the ones above and yet has two nozzles and is enclosed.  I kept thinking of it as a microwave.

Saturday was another 10am start.  By lunchtime people were famished and the food massacre left no survivors.
 photo Locusts2_zps80adf4d0.jpg

It was also the first of the three workshops that were planned.  This one was done by Big Steve and was on the 3D scanners.
 photo 3DScanningWokrshop_zps53ef882d.jpg

The scanner is hand-held and detects movement while emitting Infrared light to work out what it's "looking" at.  Here's Steve's hand:
 photo FingersScan_zpsdba12982.jpg

I scanned this lovely gentleman's head/torso: photo HeadPrinting_zps939debac.jpg
(seen here next to the printer that is printing the scan)

A quick bit of editing in some software and we have a printable file:
 photo HeadScan_zps56a99cee.jpg

I think it took about an hour:
 photo HeadandHost_zpsb487b1fe.jpg

Those sheep above were being printed by Steve for a game designer who designed the game "Sheepie Sleepy"  They were all white and were causing some confusion during playing so I offered to take them home for the night and paint them.

First, a quick white undercoat so that the paint would go on uniformly...
 photo WhiteSheep2_zpsda7592c0.jpg

 photo WhiteSheepSide_zpsa4493788.jpg

While that was drying I consulted the game's site for who is who.

 photo PaintScene_zps7f47e49b.jpg

 photo FlockFront_zps08d2ea70.jpg
(left to right): Minty, Rosemary, Zack and Dougall  (Zack is a Tiree sheep.  Coloured as a zwartbles, a wool sheep)

Woolly bums!
 photo FlockBums_zps8b7ff0ee.jpg

As this was a one-evening job and the paint dries quicker than a brush, I got through a few!
 photo FewBrushes_zps0c93bd9b.jpg

Random photos:
 photo RorysCup_zps1abf3a01.jpg

 photo Ultibot1_zpsa4804e40.jpg

So that was Thursday to Saturday.  I got through a whole set of camera batteries in 2.5 days.  They usually last weeks!  My photo count is now over 6k taken with this camera since May 2013.  Not bad.

Sunday and Monday and seeing folk off today coming tomorrow! (Mainly because it takes a while to upload 61MB of photos!)


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