Wednesday, 6 July 2016


I'm going to be sharing a lot of Rosemary photos on here, mainly because it keeps the whole family up to date and partly because, well, she's cute!

She's been doing the typical baby habits of eating, sleeping, and making waste.  I love taking sleeping baby photos, the milk coma look is fantastic!

One with Dad:
 photo SleepyDuo_zpspsnz055z.jpg/>
 She curls up tight when I pull the cover off in the morning.  Taking after Mum.
 photo ChillyBrr_zpsqgcunagk.jpg/>
Various milk-induced comas.  Grandad Harrison can relate to these; warm, well-fed, and comfy.

 photo SleepyHead_zpszebmbubn.jpg

 photo MilkComa_zpsyoyc2ece.jpg

If you look on her at the right time, you can even catch Zonked (capital Z definitely earned!)
 photo SleepOfDead_zpsawh7o8wy.jpg
Sometimes Mum is caught with the camera and given a Look:
 photo GoAwayMum_zpsqigadavw.jpg

We do have wakeful times too, but I'm usually too distracted saying hello.  This time, the VHC came to say hello:

 photo BeingEaten_zpsqnrmzydc.jpg

She had her first shampoo experience last week, what a lot of hair!
 photo FuzzyHead_zpskusuzrvt.jpg/>
She also got to try Mummy's knitting.  Socks!
 photo SocksWot_zpslep06nkr.jpg

Turns out she's as good at wriggling socks off as she is hats.  This is why we tend to keep her in sleep suits; anything else requires much redressing.

Daddy quote of the day: (after Rosemary has spit up) I don't understand how you manage to get it so far and so fast...and so quietly! 

Skills, Dad, skills.


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