Monday, 5 September 2016

Three months already?

We have moved again.  We are now renting a house over in the gorgeous Balemartine.  It's taken weeks to unpack; who knew having a baby added so much time to things?

Babies also add to packing time, and you may find yourself packing the baby...
 photo BabyInBasket_zpsgjbqfpsj.jpg

One sunny day we went for an explore.  Rosemary decided her feet needed sunning apparently.
 photo SunnyFeet_zpsrlchdqow.jpg

Rosemary is three months old now!  She's almost managing to sit and has great grip.

One month old.
  photo OneMonth_zpsidw6ltji.jpg

Two months:
 photo RosebugTwoMonthsOld_zpsb5sytvdk.jpg

Three months, and growing like a weed!
  photo RosemaryThreeMonths_zpsv3oykczo.jpg

We had Jo's family up about mid August and Rosemary got to meet her Grampy, Granny, and aunties and uncles, and her cousin!

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 photo HelloCousin_zpsl6hyw5es.jpg

You wouldn't believe there is three months between them, would you?  He's six months already, closer to seven now.  He had a great time saying hello to his cousin, exploring things, and smothering himself in food!  Broccoli especially, makes great body paint.

We all had a wonderful week and the sun was out most of it too.  Rosemary learned to grip things.
 photo Curler_zpswjfiazye.jpg

This did lead to her attempting to thieve the yarn I'm using to make her a blanket.
 photo YarnThief_zps7wrzz1ls.jpg

I ordered her a sunhat, but didn't measure her head, need to put in a little tuck I think!
 photo BitBigMum_zpsq7io3mea.jpg

She also had a few goes at sitting on sofas
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 photo ChillingOnTheSofa_zpsmiq5ncsf.jpg

She LOVES holding things now.  Playtime has gained a whole new dimension.
 photo PlaytimeAug16_zpsgdfijpyb.jpg

We had a week "solo", just the three of us with Jo at work during the day; and then it was my parents' turn!

 photo GrandmaGrandadRosemary_zpsuhpi6574.jpg

My parents took lots of photos, I just enjoyed the extra bods and Dad's help putting up our blinds and finishing the shed.

Yes, the shed!  But that will have to wait for another post, I am being summoned.  I shall leave you with a photo from today of Rosemary and her giant pal, Peter.

 photo RosemaryPeterDog_zpsnfsz90ph.jpg

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