This little crocus has flowered both years by our front door. Very fortunate to get the photos this year; we get it flowered for 1 day and then it falls over.
According to an island botanist, this is "tangle" seaweed. It grows in great forests out at sea and then the storms rip it up and it gets dumped on the beach.
I have no real idea what this is. I *think* it's an improvised creel, there was another with some netting over that giant hole. But really? No clue.
Another crocus. This time at the GP surgery. Photographed quite early in the morning, with just a hint of dew on the petals.
2 Fridays ago it was *glorious* outside so I spent a while on the beach, walking and sitting. And doodling in the sand. I was just moving the sand back and forth when that "eye" lump fell in and suddenly I saw a...
And lastly, apologies to my long-suffering distant Dad...choc muffins!
There was a house clearance sale, erm, 3 weekends ago I think, and the tapestry group were doing lunch. I baked 30-odd muffins and 20-odd didn't collapse (why a muffin would collapse like a souffle I still don't know). Of the 20-odd I took to the lunch, 4 returned. I think they went down well ;)
As for why the blog's been quiet and some of these photos are old: the island gained a chest cold. Yes, the island. Well, the humans on it. Quite the impressive spread too. But don't worry! The bug has done it's worst and while there's still the odd barking cough; most are done and back to normal (whatever that is!).
That's about it really. I've been allowed to knit Jo another pair of socks (the last ones felted slightly due to the wool ball band lieing(lying?)!) So, this is the yarn I'm knitting from when I'm not knitting my SWRI competition socks; Dad's gift; lace shawl; SWRI comp. stocking or some other UFO (UnFinished Object):
Busy here, very busy. Spring is coming. I have plans to dig over the ground under the front window in the hopes of planting bulbs for next year. I'm going to try and avoid digging up the crocus. Jo's Mum has very kindly agreed to go raid the bulb markets in Lincolnshire for me and bring some up when they come to visit. My parents are coming up at the start of May and Jo and I are going down to Lancaster to see a pair of good friends get married in September.
Yep, many things happening!
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