Tech wave 5 is now over. Folk have gone home or are headed that way and the island is back to its usual population count.
The weekend itself went wonderfully (at least; I think it did). The weather was lovely for 4 of 5 days and only a little mizzly for the other.
Lots of folk were in and out. Bicycles were hired; walks were done. I believe many photos were taken. There is even a Flickr group where all are invited to share their photos.
The daffodils were out in full force along the road too. The ones in our garden are just considering blooming.
Due to the large number of folk, we took over the auction hall for the weekend as well as the rural centre. Numbers in each varied; folks mingled a lot and many new contacts were made. I think it was better than last TTW in that respect. No one group sat and avoided contact.
I might have enjoyed the "hot chocolate with everything" from the Cobbled Cow one morning.
Speaking of food. I think it is safe to say that techies are hungry folk. Trays of sarnies, cakes and snacks were laid out, but if you didn't get there in 10 minutes you had slim pickings:
There was also a choice of two different soups that only lasted about 20 minutes before the pots were near empty.
Techies also rather enjoy their booze. This is the recycling I brought home from one evening meal.
And this is the leftovers from the App Launch on Saturday evening:
I am informed the launch went very well with a fairly even mix of techies and islanders. Our very own Gromitty drew this fantastic poster of someone using their smartphone and being completely lost.
The touchtable is going well. It was actually projecting things instead of being truly confused.
One of the Cardiff bunch brought this contraption. It's the makings of a 3D printer. I'm not sure if he got any further with it though.
So, that's the photos. I think the island economy got a great boost even if we did all confuse the regulars at the Scarinish on Friday night by filling the bar before enjoying a wonderful dinner.
A good time had by all; plans set in motion and laughs galore.
The next wave is in October. Keep an eye on the TTW website for booking details. I imagine it will be around August time as Alan of the beard is off to walk the coastline of Wales next month for 3.5 months.
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