It was indeed, although the wind did pick up occasionally. I spent the morning doing laundry, knitting and relaxing. In the afternoon Lovefibre and myself went for a walk. 3.1 miles along Gott Bay and back:
The batteries in the GPS finally admitted exhaustion about 12 minutes in but Google Earth lets me plot a route so I played connect the dots to find our distance
Not only were the skies amazing, the tide was out and this beach is HUGE!
It's also quite busy. Lots of worm casts and mysterious holes.
I did dig down a few cm at one hole, but found no resident.A little Googling later and I found out these are lug worm holes. The worm breathes through the hole while forming the cast from the other end.
Little tubes of sand, weed and tiny bits of shell and grit. I feel I should know what made these, but I'm struggling to remember. (Lovefibre found a fab marine worm site; these are Sand Mason homes)
The beach was smooth, but the way the tide had gone out left these "waves" of colour in the sand.
Crystal clear pools.
Tiny shed crab claw.
Judging by the colour, I suspect this wasn't shed so much as broken into.
The water also left this criss-cross pattern in the sand.
Big rock pool surrounded by barnacles (bit tough on the feet).
Fan-shaped weed.
Anemone (or, as I like to call them; anenenenenmone) I took about 7 photos of this critter, but the wind caused waves on the surface of the water so the camera tried to focus on those. I might actually have to read the manual!
Another type of weed. The same colour as tangle, but without the 'trunk' Instead it has this wavy stem.
And looks like a very floppy palm tree.
According to an online friend this is "Furbelows - Saccorhiza polysachides, and if you chew a bit it will taste sweetish." Dunno if I want to try ;)
This poor little snail got confused.
I'm not sure what this was. I wanted to say weed, but I think perhaps a form of coral?
A much larger crab claw. Quite possibly lost in battle.
A very pretty snail shell
Those holes in the sand. These two had weird 'branches' coming out; we suspect due to water movement.
I'm not sure how clear this is; the colours of sand made a kind of, tangle of tracks.
Colourful sand 'waves'
Gorgeous views from the Brock end.
I have no idea. Eggs of some sort perhaps. (EDIT: whelk egg casings)
This pink...something, was in a stream. I know there's a type of bacteria that can get into the water system and turn sinks pink (completely harmless!), so perhaps it was growing in the sand?
A very precariously balanced bin bag full of something.
Herring gull egg methinks.
I honestly giggled when I saw this. A combination of weed, sand and bird poop. Completely random events lead to the human eye being able to see a face.
I walked a lot of the time with the camera on; apparently I managed to press the shutter button while it was pointing skywards. Quite the unintentionally arty shot.
Oh yes, I also washed my one remaining fleece. Courtesy of Angus the bus driver. It had spent the winter in this bag hanging in the garage to avoid being mothed. Finally the weather was right and I was willing to faff. Three soaks and a LOT of dirty water later I had a mesh bag of wet fleece. I hung it on the line and even after four hours it was still dripping. It's now on a towel on top of the chest freezer ready to finish drying tomorrow (weather permitting!)
Sleepy calves. They've spent the day between basking, snoozing and feeding; bliss!
That was today. Yep, all those photos in one day. Photo/video count on the new camera is up to 361 and the first set of batteries are nearly exhausted. Really need to buy more Hybrio's! The camera uses four; the GPS uses four; the Wii Fit board wants four and all three items are going to have to somehow share if I don't order more soon.
Anyway, evening is here, I'm going to go read and then go to bed.