I was curious how different my clip-on sunglasses make the view, this is what they do:
Crossapol beach looking huge.
One large rock pool.
Pretty snails
I've got no idea what made this big black mark. I couldn't feel the edge when I ran my fingers over it, it's just blacker than the rock.
Lots of exposed rock. The sound of drying barnacles is rather disconcerting.
A HUGE rock pool. I saw quite a few shrimp in here, but none obliged the camera.
This is the top of a concrete post below the tideline. I love the effect on the wood.
An outlet, I presume.
I also took some video that day.
A hare down the road:
Walkers are a tad unusual on the island, so much so that should you happen to walk to An Talla from Crossapol, you get followed:
Finally, one I took last weekend. It was warm but overcast so Jo and I went for a trot. After a while, we chose to sit and watch the world go by, Madam was not impressed.
It's all words though, she's just complaining that she can't go and sniff that and that and that and this and ooooh!
I've had a quiet week this week, just getting bits and bobs done and finding it a tad strange being home alone for a whole week. Well, nearly. Jo was away on a physics-y thing from Monday to today so I had the house all to myself. Doglet was alright with it, it was me that noticed it the most.
Anyhoo, not much else to report. The sun is out again, I've started mowing the back "lawn" and finally drained the oil from the mower. Note to self: warm oil is FAST, next time do it somewhere easier to wash off!
Still, laundry is almost up to date; lawns are starting to look like such; garage has had it's 6 monthly sweep; bath is clean (citric acid soaked loo roll is brilliant on limescale!) and we're all home and happy.
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