The 10k and the new half-marathon were run/walked. The island's population increased by about 20% and my parents came to visit. Oh, and I replaced the element in the fan oven.
I got two early birthday pressies. One was a new, very snazzy camera and the other was a gorgeous mixed media piece from Blue Beyond.
So, this is the camera that's been taking photos to date. It's a Kodak Z650 and has done sterling service. This is now to be Jo's camera.
And this beast is my new camera, a Nikon Coolpix L810. I'm still working it all out and it does seem to make fuzzy photos at the moment, think I'm not doing something quite right.
This is my new picture, a gorgeous scene of a house on the coast. The waves and land are pieces of fabric and the sky is painted on. It took me a looooong time to decide which piece I wanted, so many were gorgeous!
Ah, the oven. This is inside the back of our oven. I had to take a photo to make darn certain I put the connectors back on the right prongs. On Thursday Jo went to cook some hash browns and noticed they weren't cooked after a good 15 minutes in the oven. A little "if that were broken, this wouldn't work" thinking later and we came to the conclusion it was very likely the element. After checking the warranty, we discovered it was past that so I took the fan cover off and the back off and did a continuity check on the element. Broken. Jo ordered a new element and when that arrived on Saturday I disappeared for an hour to put it in. Not only does it work, but the oven is quieter.
Saturday evening we went to Ceabhar. They have these fantastic little lighthouse lamps that I adore and fantastic food too!
There were sheep and lambs next to the restaurant, the lambs entertained us with their antics, including one snacking a cobweb and then pulling funny faces.
Sunday started drizzly and meh (technical term!). I spent the morning baking and spotted this cheeky calf. It went from having one leg and its head through the fence to just going through the fence for a good munch in the field.
It also spooked some hares that ran around a bit:
Sunday afternoon we went to Beinn Hough, the shorter of the two beinns. There's a road up the side, so off we trotted.
Nearly halfway up we could see this cow and calves. I decided to test the new camera's 26x zoom.
Five calves and a cow!
The views were fantastic, even though it was murky and drizzly.
I like this creative use of zip-ties to repair the fence:
Madam enjoyed the walk, but not so much the standing around taking photos. Her jumper did keep her warm though.
There's a lot of plant life up on the hill.
Probably (Ramalina siliquosa)
Probably Lecanora atra
A small purple flower in the moss: (butterwort - a carnivorous plant that enjoys eating insects)
More lichen: possible lichina pygmaea
Some fuzzy spiky plant:
(I'm not a botanist, they're plants to me)
So, that was the weekend. I'm already on 177 photos on the new camera and the Kodak racked up an impressive 6431 between Jo and myself.
I made felt today, but that's for another post. The one where I reveal Dad's present and the progress shots!
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