Friday saw me trying my new socks;
Now they've been displayed for the SWRI show I can finally wear them! Very comfy too.
Friday also saw Lovefibre and myself having a morning out. We started with a few bits in Scarinish including my first time using a petrol pump getting petrol for the mower; I only spilled a small amount. We then dropped that at home and went on to the Farmhouse Cafe for a delicious lunch! There was even a freshly baked key lime pie that I rather enjoyed a slice of.
Outside were lots of 'hairy coos'
After doing my tourist bit and snapping the above shots we went up to Blue Beyond.
The day was gorgeous.
I love this glass piece they have for sale:
Friday crafters was enjoyed; we learned about a possible move and generally chatted. That evening I went to do my 'ferret duties' (scooping poop, changing water, etc.) and found Fred being cute:
He's about seven years old now so his idea of playtime is a long snuggle while he wakes up; a little potter down the side of the garage and then back to the cage for drink, dinner and bed. It's a ferret's life.
Friday evening was the final whist drive before the summer events really get going. Much fun had by all, 25 folk turned up so we had 6 tables and two ladies swapped at half time. My second ever time playing whist. The first time I played as a lady, this time I chose to play as a gent. I was asked that surely this made it harder but it made it easier because now I understand what everyone at the table does. We got "misere" rounds too; where you aim to lose instead of win; THAT was confusing!
Saturday evening saw a lovely quiet over the area and folk relaxing. I managed to snap some sea views as seen from home.
Crossapol bay over the roof of Macleod's shop:
Another of Crossapol:
Balephetrish Bay
I had a very lazy day on Sunday. A nice long afternoon snooze and finishing binding off the latest test-knit. It did mean I got to see a lovely sunset.
I got a rather bemused look from the cows:
Our lawn has turned yellow, not from dying grass though.
This plant is enjoying the short grass and really spreading. A bird's foot trefloil
Finally, a photo of the test-knit blocking:
It's a sort of scarf and the way it's knit it will corkscrew. Made blocking an interesting thing to do. It's also going to take a while to dry, even with the wind we've got going today.
So that was the quiet weekend.
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