This is something I love. Put a glass out with money in at some places and it'll be empty PDQ (Pretty Darn Quick) but do it on this island and people are actually respectful.
One of Donald Meek's paintings. This man's talent knows no bounds!
Another of the professor's paintings.
The Books Trust had a lovely collection of books for sale and appeared to do quite well judging from the number of folk asking who to pay.
The morning's lectures were interesting. Donald Meek informed us about the history of the land struggle. Lesley Ferguson showed us many photos by Erskine Beveridge and told us about his visits to this isle and how his glass negatives were nearly all lost.
Ailean Boyd and Iona Brown talked to us about Tiree Gaelic; how some words are unique to the island and some "older" words are slowly disappearing, as with any language. There was a discussion session and then lunch.
I went down to my new favourite rocky spot and enjoyed some sunshine and photographing the birds.
Many ducks
This pair of oyster catchers were very obliging.
Turnstones and possibly a Sanderling in the lower left.
A nearly legless Plover. (Don't worry, it did have two!)
The afternoon saw one more lecture from Donald Meek, this time about transport to and from Tiree. From rowing boats and sail boats to "puffers" and the modern ferries. Planes were also covered.
Then we had some presentations from locals. Gordon Scott did a presentation on "A tale of two churches"; Ian Smith told us about the Balephuil fishing disaster of 1856; and Dr John covered current issues and the future of Tiree.
After that there was a longer discussion session covering the whole conference and then a formal closure with many thanks to all who spoke, helped and made the conference happen.
The evening was rounded off with...a ceilidh! Not just dancing though, locals performed, a Canadian had us all participating in "5000 years of Tiree in 5 minutes"; songs were sung in English and Gaelic and fun was had by all.
Two-step dances were quite popular and what would start with a few pairs could turn into a dozen or more:
This made me giggle. One lady came in what I think are "ugg" style boots and changed to her "dancing slippers" for the evening.
Dancing really was enjoyed.
There was a great turnout too!
Finally, let me leave you with the sound of the sea. I walked home from the ceilidh and couldn't help but stop and listen.
It was a lovely conference and I believe all enjoyed it.
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